药明巨诺宣布与 2seventy bio达成独家战略合作,开发自身免疫疾病CAR-T治疗产品

News Source: 新闻稿

上海2024年1月2日 /新闻稿网 - Xinwengao.com/ — 药明巨诺(港交所代码:2126),一家独立的、专注于研发、生产及商业化细胞免疫治疗产品的创新型生物科技公司,于2024年1月2日宣布与2seventy bio(纳斯达克代码:TSVT)签订了一项独家合作协议(以下简称"合作协议"),双方将在大中华区域围绕针对自身免疫疾病的嵌合抗原受体(CAR)T细胞治疗产品(以下简称"产品")进行共同开发、制造和商业化,项目名为自身免疫性疾病项目(AID项目)。


2022年,药明巨诺已与2seventy bio就MAGE-A4 项目达成战略合作,此次战略联盟是基于原合作伙伴关系的进一步拓展。该合作建立在药明巨诺细胞免疫治疗技术的开发能力基础之上,旨在更快地探索和验证基于T细胞的免疫治疗产品在大中华区域的应用。



自身免疫性疾病项目是2seventy bio基于其自主研究以及临床经验的拓展而开发出的靶向B细胞及浆细胞(病理生物学上导致自身免疫性疾病的主要细胞类型)的CAR-T细胞疗法。本产品的设计能够实现足够深度以及广泛的靶细胞耗竭,从而为患有B细胞导致的自身免疫性疾病的患者提供更好的治疗效果。



关于2seventy bio

Our name, 2seventy bio, reflects why we do what we do – TIME. Cancer rips time away, and our goal is to work at the maximum speed of translating human thought into action – 270 miles per hour – to give the people we serve more time. We are building the leading immuno-oncology cell therapy company, focused on discovering and developing new therapies that truly disrupt the cancer treatment landscape. With a deep understanding of the human body’s immune response to tumor cells and how to translate cell therapies into practice, we’re applying this knowledge to deliver next generation cellular therapies that focus on a broad range of hematologic malignancies, including the first FDA-approved CAR T cell therapy for multiple myeloma, as well as solid tumors. Our research and development is focused on delivering therapies that are designed with the goal to "think" smarter and faster than the disease. Importantly, we remain focused on accomplishing these goals by staying genuine and authentic to our "why" and keeping our people and culture top of mind every day.



药明巨诺宣布与 2seventy bio达成独家战略合作,开发自身免疫疾病CAR-T治疗产品 - 新闻稿网[Xinwengao.com]

Source: 新闻稿网合作伙伴 - Xinwengao.com

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