
***Press Release*** Towngas Launches the Largest Landfill Gas Conversion Facility

Hong Kong, China, November 24, 2017 / - Towngas Launches the Largest Landfill Gas Conversion Facility
of its kind in Asia
Proportion of Renewable Energy usage expected to rise to 5%
Towngas continues to put “Waste to Energy” into practice

【Hong Kong, 24 November 2017】 The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas) contributes in many ways toward building a green society and providing a healthier and more comfortable living environment for Hong Kong. Aiming to further improve air quality, the Tseung Kwan O South East New Territories (SENT) Landfill Gas Utilisation Project designed and implemented by Towngas was launched today. The SENT Landfill Gas Utilisation Project is the largest landfill gas conversion facility of its kind in Asia, with an investment of approximately HK$350 million. This is Towngas’ another landfill gas utilisation project, following its Ta Kwu Ling landfill gas project.

Mr Wong Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment, officiated at the opening ceremony, along with Mr Joe Zorn, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Hong Kong, as Guests of Honour, and Mr Alfred Chan, the Managing Director of Towngas. When the facility starts operation, the proportion of using renewable energy is estimated to increase to approximately 5%, representing a significant step forward in practicing Towngas’ green mission of “Waste to Energy”.

Targeted Facilities Sophisticated Technology
In response to the Hong Kong environment and the landfill waste situation, the treatment facilities used in the landfill gas utilisation facility at Tseung Kwan O are specially designed and custom-made. The installation of landfill gas compressors and desulfurizers, the adoption of low-temperature purifiers (-25?c) and Pressure Swing Absorption transformers, and the application of the most advanced technology together contribute to a production capacity of 8,000 cubic metres of synthetic natural gas per hour. The landfill gas collected will be converted into synthetic natural gas in the facility, then transmitted to the offtake station in Tseng Lan Shue through a 12 km pipeline and finally integrated into the gas supply network. When the facility starts operation, it is projected that it will reduce the emission of carbon dioxide by 56,000 tonnes per year, equivalent to the 2.4 million tree seedlings. The facility will be one of the largest energy conservation and emission reduction environmental projects in Hong Kong.

Virtual Reality Game Zone at Education Centre
After the opening ceremony, Mr Wong Kam-sing, Mr Joe Zorn and Mr Alfred Chan, visited the landfill gas utilisation facility to understand more about the process of converting and transmitting landfill gas. The officiating guests also visited the Education Centre which features the theme of “Waste Reduction at Source, Conversion of Waste into Energy”. They reviewed a number of exhibition panels introducing the landfills and renewable energy applications, and the officiating guests tried the Virtual Reality (VR) game in the VR Game Zone, which are designed to help the public understand more about the source of landfill gas and the procedure of converting waste into energy.

Building of a Green Society and the Promotion of “Waste to Energy”
Mr Wong Kam-sing said, “Today, the opening of the SENT Landfill Gas Utilisation Project represents a milestone on “Waste to Energy” in Hong Kong. I would like to send my heartfelt thanks to Towngas and Green Valley Landfill Limited on the completion of this project, thus contributing to Hong Kong’s “Waste to Energy” effort and easing the impact of climate change.”

Mr Alfred Chan was delighted with the launch of the landfill gas utilisation project at Tseung Kwan O, “Towngas is honoured to collaborate with the Environmental Protection Department and Green Valley Landfill Limited on this important project. This facility at Tseung Kwan O is the largest of its kind in Asia and the ejector designs at the off-take station is world’s number one. With the launching of the SENT Landfill Gas Utilisation facility, renewable energy ratio in town gas production will be increased to about 5%, signifying an important milestone of Towngas’ contribution in environmental protection.”

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Photo 1

Photo 1: The Towngas Landfill Gas Utilisation Project located at Tseung Kwan O was officially launched today. It is the largest landfill gas conversion facility of its kind in Asia. Mr Wong Kam-sing (centre), Secretary for the Environment, Mr Alfred Chan (left), Managing Director of Towngas, and Mr Joe Zorn, Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Hong Kong, attended the opening ceremony.

Photo 2

Photo 2: Mr Wong Kam-sing (centre), Secretary for the Environment, Mr Alfred Chan (left), Managing Director of Towngas, and Mr Joe Zorn (right), Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Hong Kong, visited the largest landfill gas utilisation facility of its kind in Asia.

Photo 3

Photo 3: Mr Wong Kam-sing (centre), Secretary for the Environment, Mr Alfred Chan (left), Managing Director of Towngas, and Mr Joe Zorn (right), Chief Executive Officer of Veolia Hong Kong, visited the Education Centre at Tseung Kwan O. They tried the VR game to understand the source of landfill gas and the procedure of converting waste into energy at the VR Game Zone.

Photo 4

Photo 4: The winning outfits of the Upcycling Fashion Design Competition, co-organised by Towngas and the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), were exhibited during the ceremony.

Photo 5A

Photo 5B
Photo 5A 5B: The Education Centre’s theme is “Waste Reduction at Source, Conversion of Waste into Energy”. A number of exhibition panels about landfills and renewable energy applications are available. In addition, there is a VR Game Zone enabling visitors to understand the source of landfill gas and the procedure of turning waste into energy through VR games.

The Towngas VR game titled Turn Waste to Energy is now available for download at Google Play and App Store.

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The press release is distributed on behalf of “Towngas”. For media enquiries, please contact Isentia:
Ms Cherry Chan Tel:3987 8134 / 6037 0517
Ms Eva Man Tel:3987 8131 / 9060 3070
Ms Lily Chan Tel:3987 8133 / 9472 2442  Email:lily.chan@

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