Where will investors find the best opportunities in China's education industry in 2017 and beyond?
As technology reshapes the face of modern education, investors in China continue to back companies positioned to benefit from the coming evolution. A total of 167 venture and private equity investment deals worth an aggregate of RMB10.6 billion (US$1.5 billion) were recorded in the education sector in China last year, greater than the 138 deals and US$1.03 billion registered in the U.S.
From 2014 to 2016, education start-ups and companies raised RMB27 billion (US$3.9 billion) from venture and private equity investors. K-12 education took the largest share, followed by professional training and foreign language education. STEAM (referring to science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), pre-school, senior education and others took up the ...
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